Saturday, July 2, 2011

Pictures from Edinburgh

It's early Saturday morning now at the B&B, with breakfast not available till 8:30, so I have time and good enough connectivity to add some pictures from a couple of days ago.

King Robert the Bruce at the gates of Edinburgh Castle

Tiny and ancient Saint Margaret's Chapel

Altar cloth in Saint Margaret's Chapel

Stained glass window of Saint Margaret

And now for a few more greater-granddads and greater-grandmoms whose pictures are at the Castle:

Margaret's father-in-law, King Duncan I of Scotland

King Malcolm III Canmore and his wife Queen Margaret

Their son, King David I of Scotland who built Saint Margaret's Chapel for his mom.

King William I the Lion of Scotland, the grandson of David I.
 (His father Henry was Earl of Huntingdon, and didn't get a picture since he wasn't a king. The monarchy was not strictly heriditary at that time, and they had great councils after a king's death to vote for the next monarch.)

The crowning of King Robert the Bruce

And here is the ramp outside the gift shop in the square at the top of the Castle. It was made famous by my granddaughter Paula when Heather and I took her to the Castle about five years ago. A very young Paula went up the steps and down the ramp, over and over and over, so Heather and I had plenty of time to take turns shopping!

Erecting the bleachers for the Edinburgh Tattoo.

View from a Close off the Royal Mile down to the monument to Sir Walter Scott on Princes Street.

The Lindsay crest, at St Giles Cathedral.

A great rainbow from our hotel window.

And from yesterday, typical scenery on our drive to Dumfries, before we got to the Devils Beeftub:

And our huge car:

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